into purpose through truth…

Your eyes here to witness the mirrors all around, reflecting back to you layers of truth revealed

Dear One

All paths have led you here. To this very moment that you are living. You know you have been called into this life with such a purpose. 

We pray that you find the truth that speaks to all of us every day. The truth in your being. The truth that you are already whole. You have never been broken. The truth that seeking fulfillment outside of yourself will only lead to more emptiness. 

Your purpose has never left you. Where it gets buried in the lies, the guilt, the confusion, the shame, YOU get to unearth it. You already know. You are already ALL of it. You are already who you are supposed to be. 

May the hunger for truth lead you deeper inward to face and walk in and through your own shadows. 

May you look into the mirror and see through your own eyes your eternal being. 

May you find here mirrors of truth, connection to one another in perfect and abiding love. Together we will heal ourselves…and the world around us. 

Welcome to the alliance.